Holy crap.
I never knew you could love someone so dang much.
My Kamryn Jo is so special to me and I do not know what I ever did without her.
I love my brothers and my parents so much, don't get me wrong but I feel that nothing can top the relationship I have with my favorite girl.
We are 13 years apart but she is my very best friend and I have no clue where in the world I'd be without my girl.

Here's a few pictures that got me to write a lil' appreciation post for my favorite girl because I never want to forget all the crazy + cute things this girl does

i'm freaking dead !!!

not the best quality picture but I always want to remember these things

I love you so much Kamryn Jo and I hope you never, ever forget that.

Xx - Your favorite sister who loves you more that words could ever describe

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