Holy crap.
I never knew you could love someone so dang much.
My Kamryn Jo is so special to me and I do not know what I ever did without her.
I love my brothers and my parents so much, don't get me wrong but I feel that nothing can top the relationship I have with my favorite girl.
We are 13 years apart but she is my very best friend and I have no clue where in the world I'd be without my girl.

Here's a few pictures that got me to write a lil' appreciation post for my favorite girl because I never want to forget all the crazy + cute things this girl does

i'm freaking dead !!!

not the best quality picture but I always want to remember these things

I love you so much Kamryn Jo and I hope you never, ever forget that.

Xx - Your favorite sister who loves you more that words could ever describe

Grace Call

I got to take Grace's senior photos and I LOVE how they turned out! It was so much fun taking her pictures, we just talked about everything the whole time and Grace would have to stop and smile in the middle of our conversations for pictures then we'd keep on talking once we got them, haha!
I absolutley love photography and all the people I get to meet from it! Grace and I have known eachother for a while but never really had a real conversation or hung out so I love how taking pictures gets me to meet so many amazing people, hang out with them and have a good time!

^This one is probably my favorite - - - her smile is CONTAGIOUS!!!

^We stopped in front of someones house for these ones because we could not pass up those flowers!! SO PRETTY!

Grace is GORGEOUS and the sweetest person you will ever meet! I had SO much fun taking these!

xx- Maddix

P.S. - It is SO pretty and green everywhere this time of year and the weather is perfect for pictures so, LET'S SHOOT!! DM me @maddixkelly on instagram or shoot me an email ( to book and let's create some magic! I can't wait to meet you!