be kind to someone today


Did you catch my latest post on Instagram and are wondering what in the world
"Honesty Hour" is?

Well, I've got some good news for you...

I'm going to tell you just what Honesty Hour is!!

My bestie — Preslee Gates and I wanted to create a project where we could share the nitty-gritty of our lives on our Instagram in a fun way! We brainstormed and came up with the project/hashtag #projectHONESTYHOUR!
We posted our first posts to this project and announced it to our followers Sunday night! We are so overwhelmed + blown away by the support we've received so far, to be honest we really didn't think others would join in but we got some posts that night, to us this was crazy and amazing all at the same time!!
We are so stoked about all the posts coming in + so thankful for all those who have supported us!

"Okay, okay you've only told me a tiny bit about WHAT this whole thing is, your amazing followers and those who have participated, now can you get my question - why I'm really here?"

YES, YES, and YES!

Here are a few questions I think you might have + answers to them!

What IS Honesty Hour?
Are there specific questions I answer in my post?
What am I even supposed to say in my post?
How often do I post an Honesty Hour? Is it just a one time thing?

Honesty Hour is a project Preslee and I created to share some things going on in our lives we wouldn't usually share on our Instagram pages, things we wanted to share - random REAL stuff but there wasn't anyway to share it, that made sense to us. If you are going to go on rambling about this and that, things going on in your life on a post then that's it, you end it - you might leave your readers confused, maybe it's just me but I think that's a little awkward. We wanted to do this but there had to be A REASON behind it, this is when we created #projectHONESTYHOUR!
Are there specific questions I answer in my Honesty Hour post? No, not necessarly - I mean, we don't have a set list of questions you answer and that's your HH post, we just came up with a few different things going on in our lives, thoughts we'd had that week, things we had coming up we were excited for, our favorite book we were reading right then, something we were working on, etc...
How often should I post a #projectHONESTYHOUR? Preslee and I will post a new Honesty Hour each month, but you can post as often -- or as rarely -- as you would like!

I think this answers some questions you may have --- I hope it does!
(If you still have more questions, shoot me an email or DM!)

Anyone is welcome to join this project, ANYONE - no requirements what-so-ever! We love you just the way you are!!
All we ask is that you use our hashtag #projectHONESTYHOUR and TAG US! @maddixkelly + @presleegates! We are giddy as can be to see your posts!
So, what are you waiting for?
and tagging, and hash-tagging;)

- - - -
Thank you for being here, for reading my blog, for supporting me! I appreciate it more than you know!

xo --- Maddix


Kamryn Jo is TWO.
T W O  Y E A R S  O L D.
i mean --- howwww!

Ahhhhh --- I will never be able to put into words the love that I have for this sweet little girl. She is quite the sassy little thing but she is also SO sweet at times so it all evens out:)! I CANNOT believe that it's been TWO YEARS since this little lady became my baby sister, it honestly feels like just yesterday I didn't sleep all night because I got to meet her for the first time the next day. You better believe I woke up every hour or two to look at the pictures my parents sent to me. I just can't imagine life without this girl, she completes my life in ever aspect. She has the sweetest smile you will ever see + can make you give her pretty much whatever she wants because she is so dang cute!

she is the cutest --- I DIE!!! 

^^THIS - is what she thought of her cute jumper, hahaha!

I am so lucky + happy + thankful to call you my sister!

your very VERY happy big sis!


we escaped the st. george heat + took a mini vacay up north for drake's baseball tournament last weekend! i'm missing that cool air right about now.
it's 108 here in st. geezy right now. 'nuff said --- am i riiiiight??! 

one thing's for sure --- i'm OBSESSED with cute colorful walls + northern UT has dang cute ones! because i've got the best family --- they drove around with me to find this cute wall^^^!
i entered in the wrong address at first + we ended up on the BYU campus... whoops! once i realized this we were able to find this wall super quick + I was stoked!

a few of my favorite things about last weekend :

colorful walls
cool air
family time
my new cozy dress
my birthday
the fourth of july!

more on our mini vacation soon!


Sunday Thoughts

"If we give our heart to God, if we love the Lord Jesus Christ, if we do the best we can to live the gospel, then tomorrowand every other dayis ultimately going to be magnificent, even if we don't always recognize it as such. Why? Because our Heavenly Father wants it to be! He wants to bless us. A rewarding, abundant, and eternal life is the very object of His merciful plan for His children! It is a plan predicated on the truth "that all things work together for good to them that love God." So keep loving. Keep trying. Keep trusting. Keep believing. Keep growing. Heaven is cheering you on today, tomorrow, and forever." -Jeffrey R. Holland

I LOVE this talk SO much. NO MATTER WHAT our Heavenly Father will ALWAYS be there for us. He loves us so much, He sent His only begotten son to suffer for our sins + be crucified so we can have eternal life. "Jesus Christ laid down his life for us --- this is how we know what love is."
I am so thankful for the knowledge I have about these things.

Happy Sunday!


Full talk HERE --- everyone needs to read it, it's AMAZING!

Weekends are SO GOOD

Happpppy Weeeeekend!!!

Friday night my dad + brothers had fathers and sons for our ward so it was just my mom, kamryn jo + I at home for the night! Sometimes it's fun to have some time with just the girls + that's just what we did for the night! We went out to eat to 25 Main - here in downtown Saint George (they have best pasta ever), went on a target run + grabbed some menchies + DOLE WHIP - kind of the best thing ever made. Oh yeah --- we can't forget... of course we stopped at a cute colorful wall to take some pictures! It was such a fun night.

gosh, I love this little sissy of mine SO SO much!!

My mom will walk every isle of target with me + that's just one of the many reason she's the best.
I love spending time with my awesome mom + this crazy baby sister of mine!
Weekends are so good. 

Sidetone - TEN DAYS 'TILL SUMMER... I am slightly excited!!!!

I hope your weekend is so great.



I can't believe you are SIX!


April 26, 2011 — I stayed up all night not being able to sleep, waking my Aunt Karen up probably about every 30 minutes to ask her to see the picture of the cutest little boy I got to call my new baby brother on her phone over + over again. The morning of April 27th couldn't come soon enough - that morning I got to see my favorite Reggie Ray Kelly... the cutest chunkiest little baby boy.
I walked into school the morning of April 27th + proudly told my 3rd grade teacher I had just been at the hospital seeing my cute new baby brother. Although I cried when my mom told me he was a boy --- not a girl (like I'd got my hopes up for) I'm so grateful he's my little brother --- (one of) the best little brother(s) you could ever have. 

And of course (as you can tell by this picture^) he loves me a whole lot as well, hahaha!

He was the cutest little baby ever if I do say so myself!

Love you to pieces Reggie Ray, I'm so happy to be your most favorite big sister + hope you have the best 6th birthday EVER.

(aaaaand YEP... got some GLASSES)


Let's Be Kind, Always

Be Kind. 
Two simple words that have so much meaning.

Being kind effects those around us more than we will ever know! 
We never know who we will leave an impact on by just BEING KIND!
To be kind to others is something SO simple yet, something that impacts others in such a big way. 
Our actions towards others can leave a mark GOOD or BAD forever. 
So make that mark GOOD + let's be kind ALWAYS.
Each day let's be kind to all those around us, let's lift others UP - let's not pull others down.

Let's all try a little bit better each day to live by the words of the amazing Hailey Devine :

"May we all remember to be a little kinder today."


Be You

Happy Tuesday [that feels like a Monday] to You!

Part of my goal in creating this blog was to be able to share inspiring + uplifting messages with my followers! If you didn't know... I create prints + am working on opening my Etsy shop SOON [I will write a post on my shop later!] ANYWAYS... my all time favorite saying to write is 'BE YOU' because I love how much meaning these two short words have!

Just BE YOU because everyone else is taken.
In a world full of so much comparing, we would do good to just be ourselves, don't try to be like that other girl who seems to be just perfect without any flaws. Just Be You, your wonderful self. You have so much to give, GIVE IT! You are unique in your own special way, SHOW IT. And You have so many talents nobody else does, SHARE your talents with those around you! 

I think we all need a reminder each day to just Be Ourselves, we are so so so much more fun that way! I don't know about you but being ME feels SO MUCH better than trying to be someone I'm not. I hope you love this saying [+ the meaning behind it] as much as I do.

Photos by Preslee Gates [from last summer]
Dress - Lettie Boutique
Watch - ARVO
Letter Board - Etsy
[This board is sold out but I will share some
of my other favorite boards on a blog post later!]
